  • 2024年2月7日
  • 5分钟阅读

企业移动 & 全国扫盲信托基金 Donate 25,000 Books to Children Across the U.K. as Book Ownership Falls to Five-Year Low

The Organizations Have Now Donated Approx. 75,000 Books Over the Partnership's Three Years

企业移动 and the 全国扫盲信托基金 launch their third year of partnership by donating 25,000 books to 255 schools across the United Kingdom, with a focused outreach to underprivileged areas.

这是 在发现 from the 全国扫盲信托基金 that book ownership is at a five-year low among children and young people, with those from less advantaged backgrounds twice as likely to not have any books at home.

陀拉Okogwu的 Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun was chosen for this book drive. This captivating tale featuring a Black protagonist aims to promote diverse representation in children's literature, allowing young readers to see themselves reflected in the stories they read and providing a glimpse into the lives and experiences of those who may be from different backgrounds.

Accompanying the book donations are free classroom resources and videos hosted by Cbeebies presenter Gyasi Sheppy and actress Sarah Lewis Obuba.

另外, one school in London will receive a special visit from the author Tolá Okogwu, where she will be sharing writing tips and introducing the children to the enchanting world of her book.

杰森·维特, head of local areas at the 全国扫盲信托基金, emphasised the importance of fostering a love for reading among children: "Engaging children in the joy and fun of reading is an essential part of building those key literacy skills that will help them thrive at school, and for the rest of their lives. At the 全国扫盲信托基金, we work across the U.K. in places facing the biggest challenges, including literacy levels. Through our partnership with 企业移动, we can reach more children who need the most support and fire their imaginations and love of reading with thrilling books like Onyeka and the Academy of the Sun."

Ryan Johnson, managing director for the U.K. and Ireland at 企业移动, said: “At 企业移动, we’re committed to supporting the communities where we operate, and we recognise the profound impact that access to books can have on a child's development and future opportunities. Through our partnership with the 全国扫盲信托基金, we are addressing the concerning decline in book ownership among children across the U.K. 在一起, we are working to inspire young minds, promote diversity in literature, and empower children to unlock their full potential through reading.”

通过合作关系, 企业移动 and the 全国扫盲信托基金 have now donated approximately 75,000 books to children across the U.K., fostering a brighter future through the power of literature.

This project is made possible by 企业移动's global “前进道路”倡议, a $55 million commitment over five years aimed at advancing social and racial equity in communities worldwide, 2020年推出.